Strategic Session | Strategy Planning | Strategic Planning
Get Expert Consultation in a Personalized Strategy Session That Can:
• Save You Up To and Beyond $10k
• Help You Formulate A Winning Creative and Marketing Strategy
• Save You Time
• Remove Doubt
• Alleviate Stress
• Help You Make Important and Critical Decisions
• Remove The Liability Of Guilt and Failure
With a Personalized Strategy Session from Mayer Digital Agency...
You Get:
60 Minutes+ of Phone or Skype Meeting
Complimentary 50+ page Cheat-Sheet valued at $225.27
An Effective Way To Get An Introduction to Strategic Creative and Marketing Planning
A Head-Start With Your Own Mini-Strategy and Plan
Action Steps
SWOT Analysis
What is a Cheat-Sheet and Why Is It Worth $225?
The Cheat-Sheet is a lite version of the "Expert Cheat-Sheet".
The Expert Cheat-Sheet is a document that is similar to a depreciation report. Depreciation reports are created for condominiums. These reports can cost 5 figures or more. But there is a difference. This Expert Cheat-Sheet is meant for a company, product or brand but in specific regards to the revenue areas of business…
What the Expert Cheat-Sheet does is break down your company into 54 different categories.
These categories are actually strategies that we believe to be essential and critical to growth, increase, sustainability, longevity and more…
Something essential to the strategic and planning stages
Therefore the Expert Cheat-Sheet is something essential to the strategic and planning stages however this is not only for business but especially in creative and marketing areas.
You can use it to get a big picture view of your company from an unbiased and non-partisan person.
This can help you see things that you might not have been able to yourself. Ultimately every person and every company, including ourselves, can suffer from bias and tunnel vision. This clouded judgment often arises due to partisanship.
Removing bias is one of the most important things you can do when making a decision.
Failure to remove bias will cause you to make poor decisions time and time again, no matter who you are!
So not only does the Cheat-Sheet help remove bias while providing a big picture view, it basically gives you the building blocks to effective strategy creation and implementation…
It helps you organize and understand your company from a perspective that makes it easy to implement positive plans. You can make changes that will directly impact not only your bottom line but your overall brand credibility…

Are you ready to take advantage of our discounted strategy sessions? If so you can book one by clicking the book now image
There is no catch however we do charge for our strategy sessions...

**Hurry this is a limited time offer, the price will be going up ASAP, we just haven't decided the exact date...
These cost us time and money as well utilize proprietary rights and products which are fairly valuable...
This means the actual cost to us is far beyond what we are charging for it...
Even our regular costed price is still too low for what you will receive...
BUT we wanted to have an introductory offer for people that was easy on the wallet, so we could try and help as many people as possible...
Mayer Digital Agency is poised to help improve your bottom line
There are a lot of consultants, marketers, and agencies out there these days… Most of these consultants are business and management consultants… Very few are creative and marketing consultants… Most marketing agencies are offering services. Very few are actually implementing strategies… And when they do the strategies are either tailored to the specific services that agency offers or often based on either outdated or simply incomplete information…
Most consultants and marketer's strategy sessions are just pitches for your business. They are often over so quick you don't even know what hit you!
A lot of people end up being unprepared for most strategy sessions. They often leave with a slapped-together page or two, if that, and nothing but an idea of how much their consulting invoice would be should they become a client!
Our belief is to help as many people as we can who are looking to do things themselves… But there are a lot of people scared of agencies. They are also scared of spending money on consulting and advertising in general.
So we designed this strategy-session as an introductory offer to get you familiar with creative and marketing strategies. It also introduces you to our Mayer Strategy Score and Rank, a 54 strategy scoring and ranking system designed to help grow companies…
It also offers something substantial to walk away with, that can help you find that winning ticket…
The cheat-sheet will give you a significant head-start on a full-fledged strategy that wins! In some cases, it might be all someone needs to take their business to the next level…
Why choose Mayer Digital Agency over our competitors?
exclusive and proprietary
result based
money-back guarantee
personal and intimate, not some faceless big agency
we source our information from experts who have invested hundreds of millions into their careers and companies
Consulting Methodology
1. Dialogue
2. Company & Owner Profile
3. Asset Analysis
i) Website Analysis using Website Methodology
ii) SEO Analysis using SEO Methodology
iii) Social Media Analysis using
iv) Social Media Management Methodology
v) Keyword Analysis using Keyword Methodology
vi) Design Analysis using Design Process Methodology
vii) Advertising Analysis using Marketing Methodology
4. Value Proposition Analysis
5. Message & Communication Analysis
6. Ideal Customer & Current #1
7. Customer Analysis
8. Competitor Analysis
9. Industry Profile
10. S.W.O.T. Analysis
11. Summary Sheet
12. Recommendations Sheet
13. Action Step Sheet
14. Full Report
15. Presentation (optional)