Gain A Competitive Advantage With SEO

Boost Your Organic Traffic & Start Ranking On Page One Of Google and Bing

With SEO services from Mayer Digital Agency you can start increasing your traffic for the right search terms... You get access to our exclusive and proprietary SEO Methodology that gets search terms ranked, often on Page One of the results...

75% of people don't click on Page Two of any search result. The top 3 positions take up 55% of the overall clicks. If you want to compete for Organic Clicks, which are free, you have to get ranked on Page One and preferably in the Top 3 positions...

Get our Mayer's Money Back Guarantee when using our SEO services... This guarantees you positive results that get the right money terms ranking higher on Google and Bing et all

Book a Discovery Call Now!

*Discover today the added valued we can provide you and importantly how we can help you rank higher on search engines for important money terms... **There is no risk, no obligation and no committment

  • Our people are not going to pressure you into using our services, they are going to answer your questions and introduce you to our company and what we can do for you. They are interested in helping you achieve better results, ROI, more traffic, higher conversions and improved site structure and optimized digital assets. If we feel we cannot help you or that SEO would not be in your best interest they will refuse your business.

With Mayer Digital Agency's SEO Google Guarantee, you will win either way.

If we succeed, you get:

✅ Increase In Money Term Rankings and Very Likely Page One Rankings (Money Terms That Generate Traffic)

*Anyone can take a long-tail keyword that generates no traffic and rank it on the first page, don't fall for those sales scams. We are talking about ranking terms that have action, your money terms, the ones that have search volume, and actionable clicks. These terms are usually fairly competitive and there are a lot of elements that create the ranking score for each Website page. What does that mean? It means that some of the factors included in how Google determines which page to rank over another one are things that can take time to overcome, such as domain age and backlink profile and trust flow.

Most people don't go past page one. Being on page one is critical if you want to compete for Organic traffic.

With page one ranking, it's basically certain you will get:

✅ More Traffic
✅ More Conversions
✅ More Revenues

Not only that you also get:

✅ Optimized Website Including Pages
✅ SEO Audit
✅ Reporting
✅ Higher Domain Authority
✅ Keyword Research
✅ Brand Keyword Optimization
✅ Directory Submissions
✅ High DA Article Creation
✅ Ezine Article Posting
✅ Keyword Oriented Article Creation
✅ Social Bookmarking
✅ BLOG Creation
✅ Blogger Posting
✅ Wordpress Posting
✅ Google My Business Set-up & Optimization
✅ Monthly SEO Reporting
✅ Email Support
✅ Chat Support
✅ Phone Support
✅ Content Creation*
✅ Copywriting*

✅ +more

*Content creation and copywriting are done for specific SEO purposes within the strategy of ranking pages. Instead of asking you to come up with graphic designs and new writing, we will do it when needed. This does not include re-writing every page or creating landing pages or sales-specific copy.

If we fail, you still get to keep everything we do, including what's above, AND not have to pay anything at all.

Which will set you up for success and likely get you on the path to page one ranking anyways.

You can't lose with this deal...

Book a Discovery Call Now!

*Discover today the added valued we can provide you and importantly how we can help you rank higher on search engines for important money terms... **There is no risk, no obligation and no committment

  • Our people are not going to pressure you into using our services, they are going to answer your questions and introduce you to our company and what we can do for you. They are interested in helping you achieve better results, ROI, more traffic, higher conversions and improved site structure and optimized digital assets. If we feel we cannot help you or that SEO would not be in your best interest they will refuse your business.



That's less than 1%!

You don't stand a chance on Page Two of any search engine...

If you want action...

If you want traffic...

If you want clicks

That lead to conversions

That gets you more clients, customers, leads and sales...

Then you are committing suicide if you want any of that from free Organic Internet Searches

If you want to take advantage of a deal so fair that you WIN whether we succeed or fail...

Then fill in the form below and book your discovery call. There is no risk and zero obligation.

Book a Discovery Call Now!

*Discover today the added valued we can provide you and importantly how we can help you rank higher on search engines for important money terms... **There is no risk, no obligation and no committment

  • Our people are not going to pressure you into using our services, they are going to answer your questions and introduce you to our company and what we can do for you. They are interested in helping you achieve better results, ROI, more traffic, higher conversions and improved site structure and optimized digital assets. If we feel we cannot help you or that SEO would not be in your best interest they will refuse your business.

Mayer Digital Agency Is Poised To Take You To The Top Of Google

Most of the action is on the first page of Google. Without being there you will suffer from few clicks. There is a saying that the best place to hide a dead body is on the second page of a Google search.

But that's only the first step to success with SEO and organic internet searches. It's actually still not good enough. So while we won't guarantee the top position, it is a great idea to strive for the top spot and we will do our best to get you to the #1 Google position. But what you really want is to at least be in the top three positions.

Our Goal Is To Get You Into The Top Three SERP Results

This YouTube Video is showing a #1 Google Ranking with our SEO methods...

Check This Out

What You Can Expect In Our Process

SEO Methodology

This is our SEO Methodlogy. We have broken down the process of doing effective SEO into 7 stages. These are:

1 Analyze
2 Minor Research
3 Strategize
4 Major Research
5 Prepare
6 Implement
7 Maintain

Before you get started you might want to know what we are actually going to do...

Here is a step by step process of what will happen if you choose to take advantage of our SEO services:

1. Keyword Research and SEO Audit
2. We give you this audit and research before we begin
3. Analysis and Optimization
4. Audit and Revisions
5. Analytics
6. Off Page Link Building
7. SEO Content Silos
8. Google My Business Optimization
10. Reporting

What Can You Expect When You Get Started?

Book a Discovery Call Now!

*Discover today the added valued we can provide you and importantly how we can help you rank higher on search engines for important money terms... **There is no risk, no obligation and no committment

  • Our people are not going to pressure you into using our services, they are going to answer your questions and introduce you to our company and what we can do for you. They are interested in helping you achieve better results, ROI, more traffic, higher conversions and improved site structure and optimized digital assets. If we feel we cannot help you or that SEO would not be in your best interest they will refuse your business.

About SEO

About SEO

Mayer Digital Agency was founded as a consulting and marketing agency, focused on consulting first...

SEO is one of our marketing services and a Tier #2 strategy in our "Mayer's Strategy Score and Rank". Tier #2 strategies are high-level potent marketing strategies that should be implemented by everyone.
While our agency was technically founded in 2019, most of our people have over 10+ years of experience...

While we love local, we are focused on providing solutions to the Globe.

SEO is a critical marketing strategy

SEO is something that has become extremely important for online success.

The internet says there are over 3.5 Billion searches everyday.

The vast majority of those searchers never go past page one of Google or Bing.

In order to get any real action you need to be in the top three positions, but at the very least on page one...

While frustrating and unfair, these numbers are the reality and a good starting point of acceptance…

The search results and how the clicks work actually resembles our class structure capitalism, with the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer... The top three spots will get you much richer and page two of Google is the best place to hide a dead body, or so the saying goes...

White-label SEO

The best way to mitigate this reality is to use White-Hat tactics and techniques that are focused on the long-term sustainability of your Organic traffic...

With most small businesses actually not investing or spending time on SEO, there are a lot of opportunities to grab some market share... Ranking in the top three positions is still achievable...

SEO is really basic stuff. While searching the internet and listening to other people can cause confusion, the reality is SEO is mostly simple step by step stuff.

There are few real secrets or fancy ways to do it that will give you an advantage… The real secret is getting started, using white-hat tactics, staying consistent and adding value... In SEO patience is a virtue...

Doing it better by adding value and following methods

The real secrets are simply working your butt off and making sure you dot every i and cross every t... Laziness is not something that will work with SEO.

This gives you the knowledge that the websites that are beating you are doing it on the basics and not some magic secret or scam...

It just means they have a better collection of numbers, like better backlinks, higher domain authority and so on...

Basically everyone can rank in the top ten and improve their organic traffic.

You Don't Have To Pay For Organic Traffic

Don't forget that that Organic traffic is free...

Internet searches are generally people looking for information of one kind or another...

They ask Google questions and Google looks to give them the most relevant information…Unfortunately, Google does this using algorithms that may or may not be able to make a good judgment call... This has to be accepted and all it means is you have to do what Google wants in order to get your page ranked high, period...

So if you are a service provider or selling products, you can be certain people are using the internet to search for answers, details, prices and more...

There is a really good chance you will be compared to your competitors, up to twenty sometimes...

If however you are not ranking on page one of Google or Bing, chances are you won't even get the chance to be compared…

This then means that you are losing out on a ton of traffic and conversions and sales and of course market share… All for not being on page one of Google or Bing...

SEO is a great long-term strategy

These are all reasons why SEO is a great long-term investment…If done using White-Hat techniques it will be sustainable for the long-term...

But good SEO isn't cheap and takes a lot of time, and great SEO can be expensive and take even longer...

Don't forget that SEO is fairly basic and standard stuff…There's not a lot of room for creativity, it's kind of like painting by numbers...

What really helps SEO companies stand apart from each other is the strategy and the added value, not the price!

And some of these companies, ourselves included, will offer you an actual guarantee that means something…Don't fall victim to the companies that guarantee something but don't offer you money back if they fail...

Guarantees are awesome BUT only if there is something you get if the guarantee falls through…

We guarantee our SEO…

Get our Mayer's Money Back guarantee for our monthly SEO services... This guarantee gives you the certainty of improved rankings, at least overall... This means likely most of your pages will start ranking higher...

If you demand page one results our Guaranteed Page One Rankings in 90 Days Or We Work For Free, gives you that first page guarantee...

Either way you are guaranteed to see results...

Experienced in SEO…

We are that confident in our SEO abilites thanks to our experience that we feel offering a guarantee is easy and fair…

This of course doesn't mean it is easy to get you on page one and increase your page rankings, but with our SEO methodology and partners, we have the confidence to know that given enough time we will succeed!

Guarantees are the right thing to do...

People deserve to be treated failry, to not be screwed or scammed for greed or profit... You all deserve to be given a guarantee and we deserve to be on the hook to come through for all of our big talk...

That seems like the fair thing to do...

So if you aren't doing SEO, then think of all the competitors you could pass, market share you could gain, and organic traffic you could start seeing...

To learn more or see if we are the right SEO company for you, please Book a Discovery Call today…

About SEO

Book a Discovery Call Now!

*Discover today the added valued we can provide you and importantly how we can help you rank higher on search engines for important money terms... **There is no risk, no obligation and no committment

  • Our people are not going to pressure you into using our services, they are going to answer your questions and introduce you to our company and what we can do for you. They are interested in helping you achieve better results, ROI, more traffic, higher conversions and improved site structure and optimized digital assets. If we feel we cannot help you or that SEO would not be in your best interest they will refuse your business.